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Squash Stress With a Sound Diet and Nutrition

person chopping veggies on a cutting boardMention stress, and external stressors like the state of the world, relationship challenges, job frustrations and more may come to mind. While those external stressors can induce anxiety, internal stressors also affect us in the same way. These are things like nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, bacterial overgrowth in the gut, digestive function issues and more.

So if all these things are going on and stressing your body, practice being more mindful about what you’re eating. Consider the quality of your food and try to be more mindful at mealtime, slowing down and chewing your food.

By being present and having gratitude, you can create a situation in the gut and body where there’s less inflammation, less stress, and more nourishment. Then, our ability to cope with external stressors is increased because we’re not spreading ourselves so thin.

Nutrients and Supplements

There are certain nutrients that help our stress response. These include ashwagandha and holy basil, which are adaptogenic herbs used in Ayurvedic traditions for many years. These are available in supplement form and through herbal tea. Magnesium can also be beneficial, as it can help calm the central nervous system.

The following vitamins are also excellent stress busters:

  • B vitamins are critical for our stress response. However, we lose those B vitamins readily because they’re water-soluble, and when we’re stressed, our needs increase dramatically. Many people are deficient in B vitamins, so it’s important to replenish them through supplementation and leafy greens, as well as good quality animal protein.
  • Also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is also good for mood.

Testing for Deficiencies

Many clients wonder if they’re deficient in a particular nutrient. Gabrielle can test for deficiency-through blood and urine, depending on what we’re looking for. She can offer testing in the office, or she can send it to clients who live in other areas. They just need to find a lab near them to have that particular lab drawn. Then Gabrielle will go over the results. “We use supplements, nutrition, foods and lifestyles to address the deficiency,” she said.

Some people have deficiencies because their digestive system is off, so they’re not getting the most out of what they’re eating. Or they’re not eating good quality food. Or they are, but their digestion is off, so they can’t get the benefits from their food.

Take That First Step Toward Subtracting Stress

You don’t have to let stress dominate your life. Contact us today to book a free 20-minute consultation!

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